Oat Powder 250 g

Pure Oat Powder 100% sugar-free natural
Zero added artificial flavors, pigments, preservatives
The Australian oatmeal is carefully selected and baked at low temperature.
With the most advanced extraction manufacturing technology and complete preservation of plant extracts.
No loss of nutrients makes it easier for the body to absorb the nutrients of buckwheat.
Oatmeal has a very high nutritional value. It contains more than twice as much protein as white rice. Oatmeal is also rich in protein, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, and vitamin A is the first in cereals. At the same time, oatmeal is also a good source of dietary fiber supplement.
- 100% Oat
- Step:
1. Use normal temperature boiling water when brewing, evenly stir, then add hot water to drink, simple and convenient
2. According to personal preference, add milk, milk powder or soy milk to become a good cup of "oat milk, oatmeal soy milk"
3. You can also add other cereal flour and brew together to become a nutritious breakfast cereal to meet the vitality needs of a whole day.
4. Good partner and oatmeal at night when you are licking your mouth, you have a lot of nutrients, you have a feeling of fullness, and you don’t have to worry about taking too much calories.