High-quality oil

White Sesame Oil+Black Sesame Oil / Camellia Oil+Black Sesame Oil / Camellia Oil+White Sesame Oil
- 100% Black Sesame
- 100% Camellia Seed
- White Sesame, Soybean
- Black Sesame Oil: is used in black sesame oil chicken soup, black sesame oil pig kidney soup, stir-frying Anredera Cordifolia.
- White Sesame Oil: can be used in stir-frying food, adding into dumplings sauce, mixing with tofu salad dressing, or adding in the soup to make soup more delicious.
- Camellia Oil: is relatively high-temperature- durable oil. It is suitable for mixing with noodles, sauting, stewing, frying, and deep-frying.